
Some of recent outcomes

Lee, C. and Lim, C., "Towards Pareto-Efficient RLHF: Paying Attention to a Few High-Reward Samples," Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, Accepted for Publication, 2024. Article

Cho, H. and Lim, C., "Multistage Net: Learning Continuous Multistage Manufacturing Processes of Liquid Products without Intermediate Output and Lead Time Labels," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Online First, 2024. Article

Shin, J., Lee, D., Kim, J., Lim, C. and Choi, B., "Dissatisfaction-considered Waiting Time Prediction for Outpatients with Interpretable Machine Learning," Health Care Management Science, Vol. 27, 370-390, 2024. Article

Shin, J., Joung, J. and Lim, C., "Determining Directions of Service Quality Management using Online Review Mining with Interpretable Machine Learning," International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 118, 103684, 2024. Article

Cho, H., Kim, K., Yoon, K., Chun, J., Kim, J., Lee, K., Lee, J. and Lim, C., "MMP Net: A Feed Forward Neural Network Model with Sequential Inputs to Represent Continuous Multistage Manufacturing Processes without Intermediate Outputs," IISE Transactions, Online First, 2023. Article

Kim, Y., Lim, C., Lee, J., Kim, S., Kim, S. and Seo, D., "Chemistry-informed Machine Learning: Using Chemical Property Features to Improve the Performance of Gas Classification," Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 237, 104808, 2023. Article

Seo, H.Shin, J.Kim, K.Lim, C. and Bae, J., "Driving Risk Assessment using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Driving Behavior Records," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 11, 20398-20412, 2022. Article

Shin, J., Lee, C., Lim, C., Shin, Y. and Lim, J., "Recommendation in Offline Stores: A Gamification Approach for Learning the Spatiotemporal Representation of Indoor Shopping," Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD), August 14 - 18, 2022. Article

Kim, S., Jeong, S., Lee, C., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Lim, C. and Jung, M., "Toward the Diet Planning with Artificial Intelligence for Children with Food Allergies," European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Congress 2022, July 1 - 3, 2022. Poster

Lee, C.Kim, S., Kim, J., Lim, C. and Jung, M., "Challenges of Diet Planning for Children using Artificial intelligence," Nutrition Research and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 6, 801-812, 2022. Article

Lee, C.Kim, S., Jeong, S., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Lim, C. and Jung, M., "MIND Dataset for Diet Planning and Dietary Healthcare with Machine Learning: Dataset Creation using Combinatorial Optimization and Controllable Generation with Domain Experts," Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Datasets and Benchmarks Track, December 6 - 14, 2021. Article, Poster

Lee, C.Kim, S., Lim, C., Kim, J., Kim, Y. and Jung, M., "Diet Planning with Machine Learning: Teacher-forced REINFORCE for Composition Compliance with Nutrition Enhancement," Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD), August 14 - 18, 2021. Article, Presentation

Lee, C., Kim, S., Kim, J., Lim, C. and Jung, M., "Human- or Artificial Intelligence-designed Diets: Which Do You Prefer for Your Children?," 2021 AAAAI Virtual Annual Meeting, February 26 - March 1, 2021. Poster

Kim, J. and Lim, C., "Customer Complaints Monitoring with Customer Review Data Analytics: An Integrated Method of Sentiment And Statistical Process Control Analyses," Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 49, 101304, 2021. Article

Lee, C. and Lim, C., "From Technological Development to Social Advance: A Review of Industry 4.0 through Machine Learning," Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 167, 120653, 2021. Article

Lim, C., Kim, M., Kim, K., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., "Customer Process Management: A Framework for Using Customer-related Data to Create Customer Value," Journal of Service Management, Vol. 30, No. 1, 105-131, 2019. Article

Lee, C., Lee, G. and Lim, C., "Toward a Context-aware Serendipitous Recommendation System," Proceedings of 2018 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 3, 2018. Article

Lim, C. and Maglio, P., "Data-driven Understanding of Smart Service Systems through Text Mining," Service Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 154-180, 2018. Article

Lim, C., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., “Smart Cities with Big Data: Reference Models, Challenges, and Considerations,” Cities, Vol. 82, 86-99, 2018. Article

Lim, C., Kim, K., Kim, M., Heo, J., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., "From Data to Value: A Nine-factor Framework for Data-based Value Creation in Information-intensive Services," International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, 121-135, 2018. Article

Lim, C., Kim, M., Kim, K., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., "Using Data to Advance Service: Managerial Issues and Theoretical Implications from Action Research," Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 28, No. 1, 99-128, 2018. Article

Breidbach, C., Choi, S., Ellway, B., Keating, B., Kormusheva, K., Kowalkowski, C., Lim, C. and Maglio, P. (All authors contributed equally to the publication and have been listed in alphabetical order), "Operating without operations: How is technology changing the role of the firm?" Journal of Service Management, Vol. 29, No. 5, 809-833, 2018. Article


Awards and Honors

Lim, C., 2022 UNIST Outstanding Faculty Award (Industry-University Collaboration), UNIST, Received on March, 2023.

Lee, C., UNIST Best Dissertation Award in 2023, UNIST, Received on February, 2023.

Lim, C., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., 2021 Most Cited Award in Cities, “Smart Cities with Big Data: Reference Models, Challenges, and Considerations,” awarded to the most cited research articles by 2021 among the articles published in 2018, Received on November 24, 2021.

Lim, C., 2020 UNIST Outstanding Faculty Award (Research), UNIST, Received on March, 2021.

Lim, C., Kim, M., Kim, K., Kim, K. and Maglio, P., "Using Data to Advance Service: Managerial Issues and Theoretical Implications from Action Research," Best Paper in 2018, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Karlstad, Sweden, Received on June 12, 2019.

Lim, C., 2018 UNIST Outstanding Faculty Award (Education), UNIST, Received on March, 2019.

Lim, C. and Lee, C., "Data-driven Understanding of Industry 4.0 through Text Mining," Best Work of the KIST CRPC Fellowship, Award from the Minister of Science and ICT, Seoul, Korea, Received on November 21, 2018.

Lim, C. and Maglio, P., "Data-driven Understanding of Smart Service Systems through Text Mining," Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best Paper Competition, Houston, TX, USA, Received on October 23, 2017.

Lim, C. and Maglio, P., "Toward a Unified Model of Service Systems," Highly Commended Award, International Research Symposium in Service Management, Seoul, Korea, Received on August 1, 2017.

Kim, K., Kim, K., Lim, C., Heo, J., Lee, D., and Kim, M. "Analysis of Quality Attributes in an mHealth Behavior Monitoring Service for College Students," Best Student Paper, International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science, Xian, China, Received on April 21, 2017.

Lim, C., Maglio, P., Kim, M., Kim, K. and Kim, K., "Data-driven Customer Process Management: A New Paradigm for Co-Creating Value with Customer Data," Best Paper, AMA SERVSIG, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Received on June 17-19, 2016.

Kim, M., Lim, C., Lee, C., Kim, K., Jeon, J. and Park, Y., "Identifying Service Opportunities for Enhancing the Driving Safety of Buses: A Data-driven Approach," Best Student Paper, International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science, 2015.

Kim, K., Lim, C., Lee, J., Lee, D., Hong, Y. and Park, K., "Ideation Support System for Product-Service System Development," Best Paper, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, Received on December 14-16, 2009.